
07: Marriage Questions For Singles: The One, Red Flags, Best Time, and Not Wanting Marriage

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We finish all the marriage questions. And they’re really meaty ones! 

Time Codes:

00:33 – Carla is into Nature Podcasts: Nat Geo and Overstory
07:43 – Joe is into The Office
12:20 – How do we keep the passion alive in marriage?
23:33 – How do I know this person is the one?
30:30 – What do I do when my partner doesn’t want to talk about the future?
35:45 – Do I break up when I see a red flag or do I accept it?
44:30 – How do I bring up with someone that God is a must in marriage?
48:37 – What is the best time to get married? Should we start it young?
54:45 – Why do we even need marriage? Is it wrong to not want marriage?
01:01:33 – How do we deal with hurtful comments from in-laws?
01:07:49 – What can a wife do to encourage her husband to lead her spiritually?
01:10:50 – What can a wife do when she finds out that her husband has been unfaithful?

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