

“She’s different with me.”

This incident took place on May 2019. I look in the rearview mirror. We’re going on a long drive; just a group of pastors traveling for work away from our families. For some reason I’m always the designated driver. It started in 2007 when my name...

Our National Purpose

I’m posting something I wrote for one of our discussion forums in Asbury Seminary. (I’m in seminary, by the way.) I just wanted to archive it for personal use and to share with some friends and colleagues. But if you’re...

What You Don’t See

One way of generating insight isn’t just to look for what you’re not seeing. Too often, people only analyze the things that are visible, without giving thought to what is invisible. Some examples: Instead of asking successful people what they do...

With a Little Help From My Friends

After two fulfilling but tiring trips abroad, Carla and I found out that the baby we were quietly expecting had passed away in the womb. Second miscarriage in two years. I took some time to rest, then went back to a few meetings at work. While I was...

“You want Papa to do it?”

Philip has the sweetest temperament. He is kind to all babies. Very sweet and affectionate to his mom and me. And he takes pleasure in making his mom happy. That’s why it’s really jarring when he loses his temper. Our sweet, even-tempered boy...

Short Sentences

A few nights ago, the eighteen year old son of one of my officemates prayed for me. He said something I’ve been mulling over ever since. “God said He’ll provide for everything. Just pray to him. Always pray. Use small sentences.” The statement...

Processing Last Year, Projecting Next Year

Everyone’s on the mode of looking back on 2016 and looking ahead to 2017. The way we look back on the past year determines how we look ahead to the next. This practice can be helpful if it builds our faith for the future. But it can be bad if...

Useless Knowledge

It’s one of the finest lines any follower of Jesus can walk: the line between knowing more about God so you worship Him and knowing more about God so you become proud. It’s so easy to confuse the two in the beginning, but the outcomes couldn’t be...

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