

Humility in Hollywood

Last year, I read the best acceptance speech I’ve ever seen from a movie awards night. (I don’t really watch those events so that’s not saying too much.) When Joaquin Phoenix was recognized as the Best Actor by the London...

Strong and Weak Apologetics

Apologetics is the discipline of giving a reason for the Christian faith so that they can examine it and decide for themselves. I love apologetics when it’s done right. It allows people to see the truth of the Gospel. It strengthens believers...

What’s The point?

Found a link that shows how often a particularly term is googled. So I tried my name and the results are laughable.   According to this chart, “Joseph Bonifacio” was never searched for by anyone. Ever. Then I got engaged to Carla on...

The Last Time

Last July, at a family conference for people in vocational ministry, the speaker said something that caught my attention immediately. Pastor John Stockstill, talking about raising children, said, “Their character is pretty much set...

Book Challenge

My wife told me about this Book Challenge so I tagged myself! Here’s the question: What ten books have had the biggest impact on your life? I’m excluding the Bible because it’s a runaway winner and still continues to make an impact...

Calvin and Hobbes on Sinfulness

I’ve always liked Calvin and Hobbes. One of the reasons is how it is so fun and fantastic to see things from a little boy’s perspective, but he occasionally throws in some deep and piercing reflections. Like this one: It’s funny...

Celibacy: Gift or Curse?

Last night, I was talking with some men in my discipleship coaching group about the blog I wrote last Monday. We got to speaking about being single and the term the Gift of Celibacy came up. Like Dating or Courtship, it’s one of those terms...

Something For Everyone

Taking a break from blogging today to link some amazing blogs that I’ve had the joy of reading this past week. There’s something for everyone – the leader making mistakes, the lost seeking answers, the loquacious especially with...

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